HRP2016 Process Started
The 2016 humanitarian program cycle began on August 23, 2015 with a workshop led by OCHA and attended by all sector leads in Sudan. A multisectoral approach to analysis of needs will be applied for developing the humanitarian needs overview.
Subsequently, the humanitarian response plan (HRP2016) will be developed around addressing displacement and the malnutrition/food insecurity crisis.
Emergency Response in Abu Karinka, East Darfur
Following the tribal conflict between the Reizaigat and Maalia in May 2015 in East Darfur. WASH partner UMCOR, using funding from USAID responded by providing lifesaving WASH services for 6,860 people who were temporarily displaced to the outskirts of AbuKarinka town. Further funding from CHF reserve is being processed will rehabilitate and improve WASH services destroyed by the conflict. Focus will be on saving lives with a longer term perspective.