The Dutch NGOs Joint Humanitarian Response for South Sudan (SSJR) is an emergency live saving program targeting both the IDPs and the host communicates of acute and chronic food insecure households affected by ongoing conflict in Abyei area, Western Bahr-el-Ghazal (WBeG), Equatoria (Eq) Central, Eq East, Eq West, Jonglei, Unity, Upper Nile, Warrap States of South Sudan.
The SSJR consortium is led by Save the Children International (SC) and includes CARE, Cordaid, Dorcas, HealthNet-TPO, ICCO & Kerk in Actie, OXFAM-Novib, PLAN, Stichting Vluchteling, World Vision, ZOA.
The programmatic is based on strategic response plan (SRP) of 2015, scope includes food security & livelihoods focus on improving food security and livelihoods through crop production and market based response approach; nutrition focus on improving the nutritional status of lactating and pregnant mothers and their children through CMAM approach; Health focus on improving the use of health services, including awareness raising sessions; WASH focus on improving hygiene awareness and proper use of WASH facilities (safe water and sanitation); Protection focus on improving awareness of child protection trough trainings and campaigns; and NFIs/Shelter focus on improving the living conditions through distribution of non-food items and construction materials for shelter. However, most of the activities have been implemented within SSJR will contributed for early recovery and resilience.
In December of 2014, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) approved a one year award through Agreement assigned activity code 27199, date 12 December 2014, initially effective from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015.
An estimated total beneficiaries of 115,000 Households (695,000 individuals) out of which 399,000 individuals (Direct services 218,000, Trainings 23,000, Campaigns 158,000) directly benefit with approved cash resources of € 10.985.216 for a period of one year from Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).