Violence in Blue Nile’s Bau Locality and East Darfur’s Abu Karinka Locality results in property destruction and population displacement
USAID/FFP provides approximately 47,500 metric tons (MT) of emergency food assistance to Sudan in late May
Armed clashes between members of the Ma’aliya and Rizeigat ethnic groups in Abu Karinka affected or displaced approximately 24,000 people and destroyed at least 660 houses in early May, according to the Government of Sudan (GoS) Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC).
In late May, the GoS identified three new refugee sites in White Nile State—which currently hosts more than 88,700 South Sudanese refugees at seven sites—to address concerns associated with overcrowding. With the arrival of more than 13,000 South Sudanese refugees to Southern Kordofan and White Nile states since late May, White Nile’s current refugeehosting sites are facing environmental and WASH challenges, the UN reports.
USAID/FFP partner the UN World Food Program (WFP) is launching a school feeding program in Southern Kordofan and pre-positioning emergency food commodities in preparation for the May-to-October lean season; however, the UN agency reports that funding challenges could jeopardize its food voucher program.
Ongoing USG Humanitarian Assistance to Sudan (as of 15 June 2015)