• As of 4 October, 3,351 measles cases, including 71 deaths, reported in Sudan.
• Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) renews its commitment in prohibiting the recruitment of child soldiers.
• Prospects for the voluntary repatriation of Chadian refugees from Sudan and Sudanese refugees from Chad are underway.
• As of 16 October, the total number of South Sudanese who arrived in Sudan has reached 197,942 exceeding the 2015 planning figure of 196,000.
• Some 7,000 South Sudanese refugees in El Leri locality are in need of assistance, according to HAC.
Displaced people in Sudan (as of Dec 2014) 3.1 million
Displaced people in Darfur (as of Dec 2014) 2.5 million
(in 2015) 223,000
GAM burden 2 million
South Sudanese refugee arrivals in Sudan - since 15 Dec 2013 (UNHCR) 197,942
Refugees of other nationalities (UNHCR) 175,250
1.04 billion requested in 2015 (US$)
49% reported funding
Confirmed measles cases almost five times the annual average
The number of confirmed measles cases in Sudan has reached almost five times the annual average, according to the UN Children’s Agency (UNICEF). As of 4 October, the number of confirmed cases reached 3,351, including 71 deaths, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH).
The outbreak started in December 2014 and has affected 71 localities across all 18 states. The majority of cases (73 per cent) has been reported among children under 15 years, of whom 55 per cent are children under five years. The highest number of cases are reported in the states of West Darfur (667), Red Sea (563) and Kassala (533) and the highest number of deaths (23) was reported in North Darfur. Aid organisations continue to respond to the outbreak in their areas of operation. Response measures include health awareness sessions, case detection, ensuring proper case management and providing daily reports.
According to the MoH, US$5.2 million—$4 million from the Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) and $1.2 million from the Government of Sudan—have been allocated for measles response in 60 localities in the country. The CHF funds will enable UNICEF to procure 6.8 million doses of vaccines, which are enough for the vaccination of 5.7 million children between six months and 15 years across 57 high priority localities. The MoH, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF are developing two measles vaccination campaign proposals, one for areas where there is an outbreak and one for priority areas in Blue Nile, West Kordofan, Abyei, North Kordofan, South Kordofan, White Nile and Sennar states.
However, additional funds of about $1.8 million are needed to cover operational costs for vaccinations for children under 15 years in Khartoum State and in some localities in Gedaref State. A further $3 million is needed to cover vaccine and operational costs for campaigns in Northern State, El Gezira and River Nile states.