Appeal history
From late November 2014 to January 2015: period of heavy rainfall
12 January 2015: Council of Ministers declared the institutional red alert for the Central and Northern provinces.
15 January 2015: Mozambique Red Cross (CVM) deploys National Disaster Response Team (NDRT) members to Zambézia and Nampula provinces.
21 January 2015: CHF 120,000 DREF allocated as start-up funds for the appeal operation.
21 January 2015: Emergency Appeal launched for CHF 846,755
10 February 2015: Operations Update n°1 issued to provide progress of the operations to date.
20 February 2015: Operations Update n° 2 issued to provide progress of the operations to date.
21 April 2015: Revised Emergency Appeal issued for CHF 1,095,475 for 9 months to support Mozambique Red Cross Society (CVM) provide assistance to 17,620 people (3,524 households) affected by floods.
IFRC, on behalf of CVM would like to thank those who have committed to support this Appeal through pledges including American Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, Danish Red Cross, French Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, German Red Cross, Monaco Red Cross, Czech Republic, Japanese Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross, Spanish Government, South African Red Cross and in-kind contribution from American Red Cross, French Red Cross and Unilever Mozambique.