2.3 million people internally displaced
21.2 million in need of assistance (OCHA)
In response to the current crisis Oxfam has supported 600,564 individuals
Hajjah and Al Hudaydah
Oxfam in Hajjah and Al Hudaydah have now provided 267,162 people with safe and clean water. This includes both internally displaced people as well as people living in the host communities. Complementing this, Oxfam is doing public health promotion, constructing latrines and distributing hygiene and shelter kits that include items like kitchen utensils, soap, cleaning products.
In Amran, Oxfam has provided safe and clean water to 47,015 people in 130 locations and 171 distribution points in the Huth, Khamir and Al-‐Qaflah districts. Each person is receiving approximately 15.4 liters per day.
Oxfam increased trucked drinking water from 9,000 to 28,000 people in Taiz city through suppliers and volunteers as the trapped residents are in desperate need for water. In Al Shamayatayn district, Oxfam distributed Hygiene kits to 5,320 conflict affected people. It started WASH assessments innew sub-‐districts and completed a water scheme assessment in Bani Shaibah Al-‐Sharq village.
Oxfam Implemented a training session for the school health volunteers targetingstudent volunteers ofschools located indistricts of Aden.