Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Rainfall report
The onset of the season was the fourth week of October
Most parts of the county had a fairly even distribution having received over 80-120 percent of the normal rainfall.
The temporal distribution was poor.
Vegetation condition: The county’s vegetation greenness is within normal ranges at 39.51.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators;
The crop condition was fair compared to good normally.
Livestock body was moderate compared to normal normally.
Milk production was above normal.
There was no livestock migration.
There were no livestock deaths associated with drought.
Access indicators;
Milk consumption was above normal.
Return distances were shorter than normal.
Utilization Indicators;
The proportion of children at risk was lower than normal.
Households were employing fewer and less severe coping strategies compared to normal.