Key Issues
Admission rates of severely malnourished children (SAM) into therapeutic feeding program sites decreased since its peak in August 2015 as a result of the partial green harvest and on-going Government and partners’ nutrition interventions.
The timely funding of the food sector is critical to prevent pipeline breaks, and the impact on malnutrition levels.
The Oromia and Somali Regional Bureaus with support from partners, continue responses to the acute watery diarrhea outbreak (AWD) in Moyale woreda, Borena zone (Oromia) and Moyale woreda of Liben zone (Somali).
Ethiopia is responding to an El Niño-caused drought emergency: The El Niño global climactic event has wreaked havoc on Ethiopia’s summer rains. This comes on the heels of failed spring rains, and has driven food insecurity, malnutrition and water shortages in affected areas of the country. A well-coordinated response is already underway and expanding rapidly, although the scale of the developing emergency exceeds resources available to date. Given the lead times necessary for the procurement of relief items, the Government and its international partners have called for early action to this slow onset natural disaster.