Throughout 2015, UNHCR and partners delivered urgent humanitarian assistance, food and protection support to refugees in Khost and Paktika provinces. Key achievements include: establishment of innovative cash-for-work projects, the expansion of water and sanitation services, extensive vaccine coverage and provision of health services, educational opportunities and a shelter programme that enabled refugees with differing needs to access the right materials to construct shelters.
In addition, there was ongoing dialogue with refugee elders and representatives, outreach to identify and assist vulnerable refugees with specific needs, and the coordination of efforts with all other actors on the ground to ensure that gaps were effectively addressed and duplication of assistance avoided. In the final month of the year, UNHCR commenced the biometric verification of refugees in Khost and a verification exercise in Paktika: a tool that will help to ensure that each family receives the right amount of assistance and that the most vulnerable are not overlooked.
Nearly 20 UN agencies, NGOs and partners outlined the nest year’s priorities in the 2016 Humanitarian Response Plan, which aims to continue to provide urgent humanitarian support, as well as increase activities that will promote self-sufficiency and address the needs of the most vulnerable. At the same time, partners are trying to address urgent gaps in food security, education, health and WASH.