Mtendeli Camp Opens - UNHCR, the government of Tanzania and partners opened Mtendli Camp on January 14 2016 with 458 new arrivals who were transported by partner IOM in eight buses from Lumasi and other entry points within the Kibondo and Kakonko area. A second group of new arrivals were received into Mtendli on January 21, 2016 making a total of 869 currently registered in Mtendeli. In addition, there will be 1,500 persons relocated to Mtendeli from Nyarugusu camp re-commencing on January 27. - All new arrivals have received hot meals with food provided by WFP and support from partners while residing in reception villages during the registration process and have received non-food items and moved into family shelters. The general food distribution was also completed. - In order to continue efforts to strengthen coordination during arrivals, a movement meeting was held on Tuesday January 19th with Mtendeli Camp Management (DRC), UNHCR and partners and standard operating procedures on movement were drafted and circulated. The participants will meet again during the next reporting period to review the process and ensure all issues related to movement have been considered and resolved. - In terms of the coordination structure the CCCM meeting is established for Mtendeli with two meetings already held.
Improvements in Nyarugusu Camp of Mass Shelter situation and Relocations - The mass shelter congestion in Nyarugusu camp is progressively being resolved through (a) building family shelters and erecting tents (as per agreed shelter strategy) and (b) the relocation re-commencing on January 27th. The relocation of Burundian refugees from Nyaragusu camp will now be to Mtendeli camp. Simultaneously, Nduta camp will receive all new arrivals from border points. These combined measures will address many of the issues, particularly around SGBV and health and promote living in dignity and privacy which is affected when staying in mass shelters for extended periods of time.
UNHCR staffing update - UNHCR’s presence in Kibondo has been strengthened with the arrival of the Senior Protection Officer, Public Health Officer and the Community Services Officer. In addition Dost Yousafzai has arrived and taken over from Fabio Varoli, who held the fort on a temporary basis. Please see administration section of this report for details.