UN requests $1.3 billion for life-saving assistance to 5.1 million people in South Sudan in 2016
WFP utilizes air assets and vehicle and barge convoys to reach food-insecure populations and pre-position humanitarian supplies
- An uptick in violence in Western Equatoria State beginning in late 2015 has exacerbated population displacement and challenged humanitarian response efforts. Relief actors— including USAID/OFDA partners—continue efforts to access and assist conflict- affected populations in the state, as security allows.
- In January, relief organizations began conducting humanitarian airdrops using a specialized fixed-wing Buffalo aircraft, the newest addition to the South Sudan humanitarian air fleet. In addition, humanitarian vehicle and barge convoys, as well as other air assets, transported additional emergency relief supplies by air, river, and road.
- Despite ongoing insecurity and other access impediments, relief organizations are expanding humanitarian operations and attempting to re-establish a permanent presence in Unity State. While humanitarian operations in Unity’s Leer County remain ongoing, interagency mobile teams have arrived in other parts of Unity to expand humanitarian activities.