1,752 migrants from 26 different countries repatriated since July 2014, majority out of Tripoli. In 2015, there were 1,113 migrants supported by IOM to return to their home countries in safety and dignity.
Since July 2014, 7,946 IDP families and 12,868 migrants benefitted from the distribution of NFIs and hygiene kits in different parts of Libya, including newly displaced IDPs from Awbari (South) and Warshafana (West).
19 capacity building activities held since July 2014: Humanitarian response, needs assessment and psychological first aid trainings; local partner coordination meeting; workshops with Coastguards and Directorate for Combatting Illegal Migration.
Despite efforts by the international community to broker a nationwide ceasefire agreement and establish a ‘Government of National Accord’ (GNA), the political stalemate in Libya continues to aggravate the desperate situation of displaced people and stranded migrants. Libya remains a magnet for regular and irregular labour migration and a place of transit. There are over one million migrants mostly from Egypt, Niger, Sudan, Nigeria, Bangladesh and Mali along with other sub-Saharan and West African countries. IOM estimates that of over 150,000 migrants in need, 5,000 are vulnerable and in need of urgent assistance, and Humanitarian Return Assistance. In 2015, there was a huge increase in mixed migration flows crossing the Mediterranean, including from Libya. IOM’s Coordination Office for the Mediterranean reported over 153,000 migrants arriving in Italy by sea during 2015, mainly from the central Mediterranean route, with over 2,892 deaths. In the prevailing context of political instability, the estimated number of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) has surpassed 435,000 – 8% of the population. IDPs remain extremely vulnerable due to the multiple displacements and lost livelihoods.
In response, with kind support from donors and partners, throughout 2015 IOM has continued implementing programs providing immediate and life-saving direct assistance to migrants and IDPs. Under the comprehensive IOM Libya Plan of Action August 2015-July 2016, programs are underpinned by three main components
Protecting the fundamental rights of migrants and IDPs including those most vulnerable; encompassing rescue at sea, assistance to migrants in detention centres and assistance to IDPs
Addressing drivers of irregular migration, trafficking and displacement; including rolling out the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and community stabilisation activities.
Promoting safe, orderly and dignified human mobility, including humanitarian repatriation alongside awareness raising and assistance on migrants smuggling and trafficking.
Strong technical advice and support to Libyan authorities is offered, in collaboration with local, national and international partners. Migration components are linked to the IOM Response Plan for the Mediterranean and Beyond. The Plan of Action works in coordination with partners under the Libya Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) released November 2015.
Achievements throughout 2015 include the provision of urgent humanitarian assistance to migrants rescued at sea by the Libyan Coastguard, including those transferred to DCIM detention centres. Supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the European Union, the humanitarian repatriation program intensified support to assist migrants stranded in Libya and help them reintegrate in home countries. Through eight local partners in Libya, IOM conducted non-food item assessments and distribution targeting displacement locations, hosting communities and detention centers, in particularly southern and south-western areas. IOM Libya continued to integrate capacity and skill building for counterparts and local implementing partners, increasing abilities to deliver an immediate response to people in need.