Summary of WFP assistance
WFP has two key objectives in Côte d’Ivoire: (1) Saving lives and livelihoods, and (2) promoting transition and support for a sustainable school feeding programme. The first focuses on the improvement of food security and nutrition in the regions of Tonkpi, Guemon and Cavally (in the west), Tchologo, Poro and Bagoue (in the north) and Bounkani, Gontougo (in the north-east) of the country. It addresses persistent relief needs while promoting the transition to recovery.
Vulnerable households, including returning refugees, are assisted through general food distributions as well as relief packages and Food or Cash for Assets programmes. The project objectives are aligned with Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 1 - Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, 4 - Reduce child mortality, 5 - Improve maternal health and 6 - Combat HIV /AIDS, malaria and other diseases. WFP continues supporting the recovery interventions by restoring or creating productive assets to increase and diversify livelihoods and build vulnerable communities’ capacities to cope with shocks. WFP is pursuing a gradual shift from emergency to recovery and longer term assistance. Nutritional rehabilitation is provided to children between 6 and 59 months with moderate acute malnutrition, as well as malnourished pregnant women and nursing mothers. Clients on Antiretroviral therapy (ART) received food support and cash assistance, and caretakers of severely malnourished children in therapeutic feeding units are assisted with cash.
The School Meals Programme aims at increasing school attendance rates in rural areas, particularly among girls, and to strengthen the capacities of the Directorate of School Feeding (structure from the Ministry of Education and the Professional Teaching in charge of implementing the school feeding programme). The targeted priority zones of intervention are Guemon, Cavally, Tchologo, Poro, Bagoue, Bounkani and Gontougo, identified as the most vulnerable in relation to food insecurity, enrolment rate, pass rate and chronic malnutrition combined. The objectives of the project are in line with MDG 2: Achieve universal primary education.
WFP’s operations are also aligned with the Government's National Development Plan 2012-2015, the revised UNDAF 2013 – 2015, and strategic documents such the National Strategy for Social Protection and the National School Feeding Strategy (2012-2017).