The International Organization for Migration in Burundi launched the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in September 2015 to systematically and effectively monitor internal displacements within the country and thus provide reliable information on the current situation of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Its objective is to assess the main displacement trends and the related humanitarian needs, including the number of IDPs having found refuge in host communities, their location and places of origin as well as their access to basic services, assistance and protection activities.
The DTM assessments have been conducted on a monthly basis in Makamba and Kirundo provinces since October 2015 and in Rutana province since December 2015. The results presented in this report are issued from data collected by the Burundian Red Cross, in coordination with IOM’s DTM team, in January 2016.
25,081 IDPs (5,175 households) have been identified by the DTM in January 2016 in the 3 targeted provinces:
12,107 IDPs (2,404 households) in Makamba province
114 IDPs (41 households) in Kirundo province
12,860 IDPs (2,730 households) in Rutana province.
The number of persons displaced by natural disasters has increased since October (2,237 IDPs in 3 provinces in January 2016).
The DTM is a comprehensive system which collects data on Internally Displaced Persons in targeted provinces. The DTM Project has been developed by IOM Burundi, with support from the Burundian Red Cross, and in consultation with the different humanitarian sectors.
The system is based on two types of systematic assessments: Assessments of the displacement trends in the communes and in the main displacement areas (hills* hosting more than 40 IDP households/ 200 IDPs). The commune assessments provide the main displacement figures and trends, and the displacement area profiles provide information on the humanitarian needs in the hills hosting the highest number of IDPs.
- Hills are the smallest administrative entities in Burundi (‘collines’ in French)