I. General / Inter-Sector Update
ActivityInfo Monitoring database 2016: The new ActivityInfo Monitoring database for the 2016 refugee interagency monitoring and reporting system was launched on 19 January. The purpose of the 2016 inter-agency monitoring is to track partners’ activities and indicators to facilitate day-to-day operational coordination for refugee responses. Data generated through ActivityInfo will be made available to feed into and complement the JRP in support of the Government, as required. Training sessions for partners were organized on 13 – 14 January in Amman and on 26 January in Mafraq.
Inter-Agency Financial Tracking: The financial tracking of the refugee component of the inter-agency appeal of 3RP in 2015 was finalized and uploaded to the inter-agency information sharing portal both at the main page and the respective page of each sector. http://data.unhcr.org/syrianrefugees/country.php?id=107. The visualization is also available on the following link. http://data.unhcr.org/jordan/fts/