In August 2014, torrential rains caused heavy floods and landslides in 23 districts throughout Nepal. A total of 202 people were reported dead, and 36,949 families (184,745 people) were affected. Among these, 10,193 families (50,965 people) were displaced as their houses were destroyed and 26,756 houses were partially destroyed. Four of the 23 districts: Banke, Bardiya, Dang and Surkhet were the worst affected; thus, the focus of this floods response.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) allocated Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) of CHF 249,709 on 21 August to support NRCS in carrying out immediate relief activities. It was followed by an Emergency Appeal of CHF 2.46 million on 27 August to meet humanitarian needs of 10,000 families, based on the initial rapid assessment.
The Emergency Appeal budget was revised downwards to CHF 1.55 million to reach a total of 8,000 families (40,000 people) displaced by floods and landslides through the provision of emergency shelter assistance, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH), nonfood relief items (NFRIs), and early recovery assistance. The operation benefitted over 30,000 people with WASH items distribution and hygiene promotion; 7,506 families with NFRI sets, 1,178 families with shelter kits and shelter construction, among other support as shown in the table above.
Standard packages of relief items distributed involved intersectoral integration for example by the inclusion of hygiene materials and water purification tablets in NFRI distributions and the inclusion of latrines in the specifications for shelter support. Similarly beneficiary communications included both hygiene and risk reduction messages. Interviewees gave several examples of integration between sectors: There were joint procurement committees, people who received relief items also received shelter support and people who received cash support for shelter reconstruction also received NPR 10,000 for latrine construction.
A final evaluation was conducted in December 2015 to find out to what extent the humanitarian objectives of the relief and recovery interventions were achieved and how the methodologies utilized facilitated and contributed to the results attained. Particular focus was given to shelter, NFRI and water and sanitation interventions. The final evaluation revealed that the operation was relevant to the needs of the people affected by the floods and landslides in 2014 as well as in line with the Nepal government policy and procedures. More findings will be provided per sector. To read the entire report, click here.