Search and seizure operations continue in Bujumbura. There are reports that increasing numbers of women are detained for extended periods of time when their sons, brothers or husbands are not found.
The African Union has decided against deploying the MAPROBU peacekeeping force. Instead, a high-level delegation comprising representatives from Gabon, Mauritania, Senegal, South Africa and Ethiopia have been selected by the AU to consult with the Burundian Government and other stakeholders on resolving the conflict.
247,581 New Burundian refugees in the neighbouring countries since the beginning of April 2015
USD 175.1 million requested for the situation for January-December 2016.
Tanzania: Pursue the relocation of refugees from Nyarugusu to Nduta and to the recently opened Mtendeli camp.
Rwanda: Increase border monitoring and systematize screening procedures to reduce the risk of potential recruitment.
DRC: Scale up durable shelter, education and HIV prevention response.
Uganda: Clear the registration backlog and ensure relocations to settlements are carried out quickly to free up space at reception centres.