Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Rainfall: The off-season January-February rains were received.
A total of 108 mm amount was received in 9 days mostly in the first and second dekad.
Rainfall was unevenly distributed in the county.
Vegetation condition: The vegetation condition index (VCI-1month) was 81.9, indicating very good vegetation condition in the entire county.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators:
Crop performance was better compared to normal.
Livestock body condition was good and normal.
Milk production was above normal.
No unusual Livestock migration and deaths reported.
Access indicators:
Terms of trade were stable and within the seasonal range.
Milk consumption was good and stable.
Distances to watering point insignificantly increased, although within the seasonal range of fluctuation of the year.
The situation was normal at such a time of the year.
Utilization Indicators:
- The Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) was 7.9% compared to the long term average of 11.3%, and to the previous month of 6.37%; attributed to stable milk consumption and cereal availability to children under 5years of age.