• Cessation of Hostilities Agreement Results in a Scale up of Humanitarian Aid by UNHCR
• UNHCR Improving Lives in Daraa
• UNHCR Smashes Winterization Targets
• Expanding Presence of UNHCR in Syria
• UNHCR Supported Remedial Classes pay Dividends
On 22 February, the US-Russia deal on the Cessation of Hostilities in Syria was achieved, which entered into effect on 27 February, following its endorsement by the UN Security Council Resolution 2268 of 26 February. One aspect of this agreement, stipulates the waring parties’ obligation to “allow humanitarian agencies, rapid, unhindered and sustained access throughout areas under their operational control and allow immediate humanitarian assistance to reach all people in need”, and has provided a window of opportunity for the UN to access hard-to-reach and besieged areas with humanitarian assistance. As a result UNHCR has participated in a number of Interagency cross line missions bringing much needed humanitarian assistance.