According to Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) survey conducted by IOM, the total number of Internal Displaced Persons located in the Far North region is 169,970 from which 137,715 are displaced for security reasons. Compared to the DTM survey of November 2015, this represents an additional caseload of more than 28,000 persons.
So far in 2016, 454 unaccompanied and separated children (out of 4,650 expected children) are receiving interim care and follow-up through UNICEF support.
Through UNICEF and its partners, 24,300 children (7,146 IDPs, 4,059 Nigerian refugees and 13,095 CAR refugees) benefit from psychosocial support.
Through partners from the Education sector, more than 58,700 children (11,046 IDPs, 12,921 Nigerian refugees and 34,768 CAR refugees) have access to education.
Additional funding is needed to ensure that UNICEF and partners reach their objectives and address urgent lifesaving and protection needs.
61,262 with Severe Acute Malnutrition
33,255 with Moderate Acute Malnutrition
76,626 in refugee sites
175,611 outside refugee sites
(UNHCR, January 2016)
56,210 n the Minawao refugee camp
3,829 arrived since January 2016
(UNHCR, February 2016)
137,715 displacements caused by the conflict
(IOM, February 2016)
Humanitarian leadership and coordination
• At the national level, emergency coordination is led by the Humanitarian / Resident Coordinator (HC/RC) and supported by OCHA. Under the leadership of OCHA, humanitarian needs and humanitarian strategic response plans are monitored through the HRP (Humanitarian Response Plan) process. The HNO-HRP was officially endorsed by the Government of Cameroon and the HCT in January 2016 (www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/cameroon).
• With regards to the Sahel nutrition crisis, Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and epidemic emergencies, UNICEF and the Government are co-leading the nutrition, WASH and education sectors, as well as the sub-sectoral group for child protection. The sectoral groups meet on a regular basis both at the central and field levels. The WASH Sector group is reinforcing its information management capacities with the support of the Global WASH Cluster.
• Emergency responses related to Nigerian and CAR refugees are coordinated by the Government of Cameroon and UNHCR. UNICEF actively participates at the central and field levels in sectorial and multi-sectorial coordination fora.
Humanitarian Strategy
Since 2014, UNICEF has focused on the implementation of an integrated emergency response package for people suffering from chronic vulnerabilities, including refugees, IDPs and host communities. In order to facilitate and support its emergency responses, UNICEF has established a permanent presence in Bertoua in the East region and in Maroua in the Far North region.
With regards to the displacement of refugees, IDPs and host populations, UNICEF implements an emergency response focusing on child protection and education to ensure that children are protected and fulfil their rights in a safe environment. These activities are complemented by specific lifesaving interventions in the fields of WASH, health and HIV, and nutrition.
With regards to the nutrition crisis, UNICEF and partners are implementing an integrated strategy which aims to reduce suffering of children and women affected by Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) as well as to decrease the overall prevalence of acute malnutrition. The strategy focuses on the reinforcement of the screening and case management of SAM patients and on related interventions in other fields such as WASH (to decrease childhood illnesses that are directly linked to the incidence of malnutrition), HIV (screening and referral of HIV positive children) and protection (emotional stimulation and psychosocial support).