A. Situation Analysis
Description of the Disaster
On Thursday, 1 October 2015 at 21:30 hours, a massive landslide caused by heavy rains affected a sector known as El Cambray II in the municipality of Santa Catarina Pinula in Guatemala, displacing some 17,689 mof earth .
According to the 13 October 2015 report issued by CONRED, 70 people were missing, at least 280 were found dead and more than 100 homes were buried. Search and rescue found some 34 people still alive and evacuated 445 others. Approximately 407 people were housed in temporary collective centres set up by municipal authorities.
Summary of measures taken At least 8203 people, including Guatemalan Red Cross teams made up of rescue workers, doctors and volunteers with experience in providing immediate psychosocial support to affected populations, conducted rescue activities using heavy machinery and ambulances.
Many businesses, individuals and private-sector companies donated food, water and medical supplies through collection centres set up for that purpose, one of which was the Guatemalan Red Cross’s headquarters; cash donations were also made via bank accounts. The CONRED system, which up until then had been operating under a red alert, immediately activated a link for seeking information or reports regarding missing persons or people being housed in temporary collective centres