In the week to 24 May 2015, there were three confirmed Ebola cases, down from eight in the previous week. All were from known contacts or quarantined homes.
There have been a total of 8,608 people who have contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone, of whom 3,543 have lost their lives. 19,030 children have been directly affected by the Ebola crisis, nearly half of whom have lost one or both parents.
Preparations are continuing for the first measles and polio campaign since the Ebola outbreak. 22 new solar-powered refrigerators were distributed by UNICEF, while spare parts were procured for repairs.
More than 20,000 people have now been triaged at UNICEFsupported Community Care Centres (CCCs) since November 2014, with 844 admissions.
More than 1.6m UNICEF school kits have now been distributed so far to children, who returned to school last month.
UNICEF Sierra Leone requires USD 178 million for its response to the Ebola crisis until end of June 2015. To date, USD 118.9 million has been received – 67 percent of the total*.
Source: UN Children's Fund
Country: Sierra Leone