Summary of current response
Overview of Host National Society
The Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) is currently providing health and care services through its mobile and static clinics through its Integrated Health Care Programme (IHCP). The mobile and static clinics provide immunization (mother and child), treatment of common illnesses, nutrition screening, (Out Patient Therapeutic Feeding Programme [OTP], Therapeutic Supplementary Feeding Programme [TFSP], Maternal Child Health Nutrition [MCHN]) reproductive health (ante-natal, post-natal, delivery services) and health education in some of the areas that are currently affected by the drought. The National Society is operating a total of twelve static and six mobile clinics in Somaliland and twenty static and four mobile clinics in Puntland through multilateral support from Partner National Societies (PNS) and in collaboration with the sector ministry, UNICEF, WHO and WFP.
The SRCS, with the support of the German Red Cross is implementing an ECHO funded operation supporting communities in Maroodijeeh and Awdal Regions as part of the drought response. Through the ECHO project the SRCS is reaching an estimated 28,810 households with clean water for household consumption as well as food security support through cash grants for alternative livelihoods and health interventions in the above named areas.
The National Society is also implementing a number of projects including Youth Development, CBHFA, HIV programme, Restoring Family Links and a Community Resilience programme with three main components; WATSAN, Livelihoods, Drought Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation. This is through the support of Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement Partner National Societies (PNS) both multilaterally through IFRC or bilaterally.
The SRCS has built a wealth of capacity and experience in responding to emergencies. Since 2011, DREF and Emergency Appeal operations have been carried out in response to the 2010/2011 drought which affected Puntland and Somaliland (MDRSO001 Emergency APPEAL); and Population Movement (MDRSO002 DREF) into Puntland and Somaliland following the Yemeni crisis since March 2015. The National Society (NS) will build on the experience and lessons learned from these operations (as relevant) in the response to the current emergency. Recommendations from the Drought Evaluation Report MDRSO001, Drought 2011, will be incorporated in implementing the current drought response activities as a lessons learnt.
Overview of Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in country
The German Red Cross (GRC) has bilateral resilience and other programmes/projects with the National Society in selected communities in Somaliland and Puntland. The GRC is also leading a consortium with the Finnish Red Cross to support the response to the drought in two regions badly affected by the drought in Somaliland with funding from ECHO.
The Federation is supporting health and organizational development interventions in both Puntland and Somaliland through multilateral support. The Norwegian Red Cross equally provides bilateral support to the SRCS in the running of Rehabilitation Centres in all three zones of the country – Puntland, Somaliland and South/Central Somalia. The Qatar Red Crescent also provides bilateral support to two static health clinics managed by the SRCS in Somaliland.
The ICRC supports National Society health interventions, water and sanitation as well as food security interventions in South/Central Somalia in particular and to some extent in Somaliland and Puntland.
Overview of non-RCRC actors in country
The Government Disaster Response arms, such as the National Environment Research and Disaster Preparedness and Management Authority (NERAD) in Somaliland and the Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Agency (HADMA) in Puntland, have overall coordination of all responses to disasters and emergencies in the respective zones. The UNOCHA plays the coordination role through mapping of what different agencies are implementing or planning to implement in most regions affected by the drought.