• Completeness for weekly reporting was 41% for the non-conflict affected states and 81% for the IDP sites.
• 18 new suspect measles cases reported from five states. One new suspect measles case reported in Malakal PoC.
• 45 cases including 10 deaths of suspect VHF reported in Aweil North and Aweil West Counties with 24 December 2015 as the earliest date of onset. Sample testing is underway.
• ABD cases have increased in all sectors of Bentiu PoC.
• Pneumonia and TB/HIV/AIDS were the most common causes of mortality during the reporting week.
Special focus on measles
• No new confirmed measles outbreaks in the week. Table 4.1 shows counties with confirmed measles outbreaks in 2016.
• This week, 18 new suspect measles cases reported from eight counties in five states with most cases reported from Aweil West county (Table 4.1). One suspect measles case reported in Malakal PoC • Vaccination currently underway in Twic and plans are underway to conduct vaccination in Aweil West, Aweil South, one payam in Aweil Center (Nyalat); and 4 payams in Aweil East (Baak; Marial Bai; Mangok; and Mangal Tong II).