In March, 7 incidents were registered in Diffa region with 22 casualties (16 civilians), including 3 girls between ages 12-15 with explosive belts who were killed by security forces before they were able to detonate their explosives.
No new population movements were reported and humanitarian access was not compromised by the new attacks, but the security situation is deteriorating and military operations are planned. The new attacks have also put a halt to returns, which had been reported during 5 previous weeks of relative calm and the reopening of fishing and pepper trade.
The Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) implemented through IRC with support from UNICEF and other donors continued to provide emergency assistance to displaced and highly vulnerable populations in Diffa region. Three multisectoral assessments (MSA) were conducted in Yebi and in the department of Nguigmi, one of the most remote affected areas in Diffa, hosting displaced people from Lake Chad Island, and having received little assistance. RRM assisted with NFI 1,248 most vulnerable households in Yebi and Nguigmi towns. Water trucking has been put in place in the priority IDPs site of Kitchiandi and CERF funding allowed UNICEF to coordinate a more durable solution in the same priority site.
The second round of elections took place in Niger on March 20th without any major incidents. President Issoufou was sworn in on April 2nd for his second mandate.