2,475 children (under 5) were enrolled in the nutrition programme, which represents about 60 percent of the programme’s targets.
3,384 pregnant or nursing mothers were enrolled in the nutrition programme.
37 mt of locally-produced Timor Vita, a specialised nutritious food for women, was distributed to all health facilities since January. As a result, the number of women who have enrolled in the programme has risen dramatically.
WFP Assistance
WFP’s assistance is focused on improving the nutritional status of vulnerable people, most notably pregnant and nursing women, and children aged five and below. Through the TSFP programme, WFP helps reduce the infant and maternal mortality rate and improve the health of the most vulnerable. The assistance is in line with the Government’s strategic plan, and with the Ministry of Health’s strategic goals to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates. The Ministry is the main implementing partner of the nutrition project, with two new local partners who will, beginning in November, screen for malnutrition and establish mother support groups for proper infant feeding practices, hygiene and nutrition. WFP’s strategy in Timor-Leste focuses on nutrition, M&E and logistics with the overarching goal of strengthening the Government’s ability to design, plan and manage the entire supplementary feeding programme. WFP also works closely with other United Nations agencies to implement its programmes in support of health, education, poverty eradication, adaptation to climate change, and capacity development of government systems.
Timor-Leste’s rates of malnutrition have improved, but are still the highest in Asia, and are categorised as serious. Results of the Timor-Leste Food and Nutrition Survey (2013) indicate that stunting has decreased from 58 percent to 50.2 percent, while wasting figures have decreased from 19 to 11 percent (2009 Demographic Health Survey), indicating that on average they have passed from a ‘critical’ to a ‘serious’ category.
WFP’s activities address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDGs 1, 2, 3, and 5.