• Completeness for weekly reporting was 40% for the non-conflict affected states and 86% for the IDP sites.
• A suspect cholera case was reported in Tungnyang payam in Leer county.
• 98 new suspect measles cases reported from 7 counties in 6 states.
• 51 cases including 10 deaths of suspect VHF reported in Aweil North and Aweil West Counties with 24 December 2015 as the earliest date of onset.
Preliminary test results showed 5 PRNT positives for Onyong-nyong; 3 IgM positives for Chikungunya; and 1 IgM positive for Dengue.
• Complicated severe acute malnutrition was the most common cause of mortality in the week.
Special focus on measles
• 98 suspect measles cases reported from Juba (5); Yirol West (4),
Aweil North (17), Mayom (37), Rubkona (31), Abyei (8), Twic (1), (Table 4.1).
• Suspect cases continue to be reported in Mayom and Abyei where measles vaccination campaigns were completed. This highlights the need to review the current response and implement mop up campaigns in high-risk populations.
• Plans are underway to conduct measles vaccinations campaign in Malakal PoC, Aweil North, and Yirol West counties.