Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
The vegetation cover continues to improve as indicated by increasing vegetation condition index value from 15.66 in March to 29.1 in April and 55.47. The county average improved from moderate drought condition category to very good condition. All sub counties have shown improvement with least improved being Balambala with a value of 45.2 in normal drought condition category and highest improved was Lagdera with value of 71.37.
The standard precipitation index (spi) improved and within the normal ranges, Lagdera Sub County have the highest precipitation index of 1.17 and township with the least at 0.29.
The state of water sources remained at5 as water pans and natural earth pans impounded more water.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Livestock body conditions continue to improve differently based on the feed conversion efficiency and physiological condition of different livestock species. The livestock body score is between 3-4 based and is anticipated to reach the best condition score of 5 by the next month.
Milk production continues to increase when compared with the previous month. The recorded litres was 33lts, this was due to increased birth rate realised during the month.