Average to above-average kiremt rainy season, flooding expected
Relief actors work to accelerate seed distribution for meher planting season
GoE releases revised priority hotspot list and malnutrition caseloads
Due to projections of above-average June-to-September kiremt rainfall and flooding, USAID and relief actors are assessing potential hydrometeorological hazards and response efforts, such as the pre-positioning of emergency relief items and dissemination of early warning and preparedness messaging in the coming months.
In early July, the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) and the World Bank approved a $100 million loan agreement to extend GoE-led, USAID-supported Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) food or cash distributions to an estimated 4.5 million people.
The GoE released a revised classification of priority hotspot woredas, or districts, noting a 5 percent reduction in the total number of districts classified as most in need of relief assistance. The GoE and nutrition actors also revised the forecast for moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) and severe acute malnutrition (SAM) caseloads following the recently released hotspot classification and ahead of the finalized revision of the 2016 Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD).