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South Sudan: Juba Response Update: South Sudan | CCCM | Update #14 (27 July 2016)

Source: Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development, International Organization for Migration, CCCM Cluster
Country: South Sudan

A bracelet exercise confirmed population of IDPs in Tongpiny to be 4,500 individuals. Relocation of IDPs to UN House due to start Thursday 28 July. 15 cases of cholera so far recorded at the site with one positive confirmed by culture at the national laboratory. The wider humanitarian community including Health, WASH and protection partners to provide guidance to inform relocation going forward.

OCHA reports that 12,588 people remain displaced by the insecurity in Juba. Of these 11,338 people are sheltering in the UN Tong Ping and UN House bases. An estimated 1,250 IDPs are staying in Don Bosco collective center in Gumbo.


Camp Management
• Camp management successfully completed population counting at the site in Tong Ping, the population is currently 4,500 individuals.
• With support from community leaders, the resident population is being supported to move to improved temporary shelters.
Relocation to UN House
• Convoy dry run: A second dry run for the relocation was successfully completed Wednesday (27 July). The dry run was organized by IOM in partnership with UNMISS and with the support of the government through JVMM forces (SPLA).
• Registration for planed movement on 28th: 39 people have voluntarily registered for the first movement of people Thursday (28 July). It is anticipated that following the successful relocation of some groups the community will have greater confidence in the process and may choose to participate in future movements. Planned relocation (28 July)
• First rotation: The relocation of 39 IDPs who have registered is planned for 10am.
• Second rotation: IOM will continue to register IDPs who nominate to participate in the movement of the second convoy scheduled for the afternoon.
• Registration for movement: IOM will continue to register IDPs who are willing to relocate for movement on Friday (29 July).
• 3 new shelters were constructed today.
• 20 completed shelters on site, with the capacity to house 950 individuals.
• Arrangements for the installation of the transit center are underway.
• Education, PSS partners and camp management have identified a space for temporary education facilities.

• IOM delivered 54,000 liters of safe drinking water at a rate of 12L per person per day.
•Four water points and 36 taps are installed and functional, with one tap for every 111 people.
• 76 latrines are functional, with 52 person per 1 latrine. 14 hand washing facilities are installed and functional. Latrine construction at the temporary IOM health clinic is 100% completed.
• 20 bathing facilities are now functional, with one bathing shelter for every 200 people.
• IOM conducted soap reaching 3,555 beneficiaries with 250g per each person.
• 57 health hygiene promoters (HHP) are on the ground working, with one HHP for every 70 people.
• 10 cubic meters of garbage was collected.
• 40 latrine cleaners (20) and garbage collectors (20) are on the ground and working.
• 152 consultations.
• 3 new cholera cases received bringing total cases to date to 15.
• Culture test for first cholera case has returned positive from national laboratory
• Top morbidities were malaria, ARI and AWD.
• OCV campaign began today (27 July) vaccinating 2,310 through a mass campaign within the camp and through a screening process of those registering to move to UN House tomorrow 28 July. The OCV campaign will be complete by Thursday 28 July.
• A team from UNHCR was present at relocation registration site to identify Persons with Special Needs (PSN), 6 PSNs were identified from the 39 who will move tomorrow.


• Population of new arrivals remains at 6,838.
• CCCM cluster continues to advocate for a head count and registration at UN House.
• There was a peaceful demonstration in PoC3.
• Space within POC3 Zone E has been identified to temporarily hold new arrivals from Tong Ping.
• Shelter partners are preparing to construct 34 communal shelters (each suitable for housing 60 persons).
• WASH partners preparing to construct 40 latrines in Zone E (1:100 ratio) and to install water tanks in space to be identified.
• Health partners have been advised to conduct cholera vaccination of Tong Ping and UN House residents prior to relocation.
• Water delivery in POC1 and POC3: 151 water trucks; 894,000L of water delivered by UNICEF today.
• Latrine coverage POC1: 66 persons per latrine; latrine coverage POC3: 35 persons per latrine • Sewage and garbage collection ongoing in POCs 1 and 3.
• Hygiene promotion and cholera prevention activities ongoing.
Food Security and Livelihoods
• General Food Distribution (GFD) reached 2,390 individuals and CSB++ distribution reached 2,268 children under the age of 5 (including new arrivals).
• The Screening and registration of under-5s ongoing. The Blanket Supplementary Food Programme will begin 29 July.
• Prevention of gender-based violence and child protection and general protection activities are ongoing.
• POC1: New arrivals continue to stay in the NRC school as well as the community center (Hangar 5).
• POC3: New arrivals continue to stay in the NRC school as well as the community center in Zone E.
• Limited space available to construct permanent shelters for the new arrivals. NRC programmes are temporarily suspended because schools are used as shelter
• IMC and MSF are operational in POC1 and POC3, ambulance continues to move freely.

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