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South Sudan: Juba Response Update: South Sudan | CCCM | Update #15 (28 July 2016)

Source: Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development, International Organization for Migration, CCCM Cluster
Country: South Sudan

Relocation of IDPs to UN House started on 28 July with relocation of 62 IDPs from UNMISS Tongping. 16 cases of cholera so far recorded at the site with one positive confirmed by culture at the national laboratory. The wider humanitarian community including Health, WASH and protection partners to provide guidance to inform relocation going forward.

OCHA reports that 12,588 people remain displaced by the insecurity in Juba. Of these 11,338 people are sheltering in the UN Tong Ping and UN House bases. An estimated 1,250 IDPs are staying in Don Bosco collective center in Gumbo.



Camp Management

  • Following relocation on Thursday, the population of IDPs at the UNMISS site in Tong Ping is 4,438 following relocation.

Relocation to UN House

Thursday 28 July

  • Movement: 45 households (62 individuals) participated in relocation on Thursday 28 July, all individuals safely reunited with their families. The convoy ran smoothly with strong involvement of JVMM.

  • Registration for movement: A further 46 individuals have registered for movement tomorrow, 29 July.

Plan for Friday 29 July

  • Movement: One planned rotation for 46 registered individuals is expected to depart Tong Ping at 10am.

  • Registration for movement: Camp management will continue registration, those who register on Friday will be relocated on Monday 1 August.

Shelter & NFI

  • 4 new shelters constructed today with a further 4 new structures planned for tomorrow (29 July).

  • 207(25 full size shelters (5X18m) for 50 individuals and 2 half size for 25 (5X9m) individuals) completed shelters on site, with the capacity to house 1,300individuals.

  • Rain during the day is affecting the pace of site improvement works.



  • IOM delivered 66,000 liters of safe drinking water at a rate of 14.9L per person per day.

  • Four water points and 36 taps are installed and functional, with one tap for every 123 people.


  • 76 latrines are functional, with 58 people per latrine. 14 hand washing facilities are installed and functional.

  • 20 bathing facilities are now functional, with one bathing shelter for every 222 people.

  • IOM conducted soap reaching 3,555 beneficiaries with 250g per each person.

  • 57 health hygiene promoters (HHP) are on the ground working, with one HHP for every 77 people.

  • 40 latrine cleaners (20) and garbage collectors (20) are on the ground and working.


  • 100 consultations.

  • 1 new cholera case received, the total number of cases received at the IOM clinic is 16.

  • Top morbidities were malaria and acute respiratory infection.

  • IOM and MSF continued with the OCV, vaccinating 1,130 individuals on Thursday through a mass campaign within the site. The campaign will be extended until Friday to capture the remaining population of 840.


  • Next week, UNHCR plans to train community leaders to identify persons with specific needs (PSNs).

  • NP is present in the camp and is performing gate monitoring.


  • Education, PSS partners and camp management have identified a space for temporary education and PSS facilities – construction will begin tomorrow.




  • On Thursday 62 IDPs were relocated from Tong Ping to UN House to join their relatives in both POC1 and POC3, transport, arrival and reunification processes went smoothly.

  • Preparations are complete to receive 46 IDPs expected to arrive from Tong Ping on Friday 28 July, to be reunited with their families in UN House.

New arrivals

  • Population of new arrivals remains at 6,838.

  • CCCM cluster continues to advocate for a head count and registration of new arrivals at UN House.


  • Cholera in UN House is culture confirmed, 4 samples were sent to the national laboratory for testing 2 were positive with 2 negative.

  • Unconfirmed reports of 3 community deaths (2 children) due to acute watery diarrhea.

  • All 12 beds at the IMC Cholera Treatment Unit in POC1 are occupied.

  • MSF will begin construction of a Cholera Treatment Center tomorrow 29 July, in previous POC2 land.


  • 139 UNICEF trucks delivered 834,000L of water to POC1 and POC3.

  • Latrine coverage POC1: 66 persons per latrine; latrine coverage POC3: 35 persons per latrine • Sewage and garbage collection ongoing in POCs 1 and 3.

  • Hygiene promotion and cholera prevention activities ongoing are ongoing today.

  • 265 buckets were distributed to new arrivals.


  • POC1: August General Food Distribution planned for 8 of August.

  • POC3: Screening and registration of under-5s ongoing, the Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program will begin tomorrow, 29 July.

  • Gaps: New arrivals have not benefitted from GFD since arrival.


  • UNHCR supported relocation with vulnerability screening, while NP accompanied new arrivals from Tong Ping to POC3 to POC1 UN House.

  • Prevention of gender-based violence and child protection and general protection activities are ongoing.


  • POC1: New arrivals continue to stay in the NRC school as well as the community center (Hangar 5).

  • POC3: New arrivals continue to stay in the NRC school as well as the community center in Zone E.

  • Gaps/risks: Limited space to construct permanent shelters for the new arrivals. NRC programmes are temporarily suspended because schools are used as shelter.

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