Number of reporting sites: Ninety-nine (99) reporting sites (76% of the total EWARN reporting sites) including fifty-six (56) in internally displaced peoples’ (IDPs) camps, three (3) in refugee camps and forty (40) mobile clinics submitted their weekly reports timely and completely.
Total number of consultations: 30 121 (Male=15 758 and Female=18 363) marking a decrease of 4 023 since last week.
Leading causes of morbidity in the camps: Acute respiratory tract infections (ARI) (n=12 433), acute diarrhea (AD) (n=2 615) and skin diseases (n=1 075) remained the leading causes of morbidity in all camps and displaced population areas served by mobile clinics during this reporting week.
Number of alerts: Two (2) alerts were generated through EWARN. One alert was from IDPs camps and the other from refugee camps during this reporting week. The alerts were investigated within 72 hours, and verified as true and further investigated and responded by the relevant health cluster partners. (Details: see Alerts and Outbreaks Section).