Humanitarian context
Over the past weeks, heavy airstrikes in the north of Yemen have affected our programmes, with only essential staff travel approved due to the risk posed. The continuation of our Hayran district response in Hajjah is not possible due to continued fighting on the Yemen/Saudi border. It is noted by the humanitarian community operating in northern Yemen that MSF have suspended their programming due to airstrikes hitting their facilities and staff in close proximity to Oxfam offices.
Flight/Airspace restrictions- Airstrikes have recommenced around Sana’a for the past weeks. UNHAS flights have resumed after being suspended due to the sudden restrictions imposed on Yemeni airspace. This presented significant challenges to Oxfam programmes, with no other options for international staff entry and/or evacuation should the security situation escalate. This was a particularly concerning scenario given the escalation of hostilities in country and the potential for Sana’a to become unsafe for international presence at-scale. Commercial flights remain suspended which poses significant challenges for the civilian population who maintain few lifelines to the outside world.