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Mali: Mali: UNHCR Operational Update 01 August – 31 August 2016

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Mali, Mauritania, Niger


24 Urban refugees with specific needs received assistance to address chronic illnesses, protection and housing needs.

636 Malian refugees in Niger benefited from transportation assistance during their voluntary return to Mali.

106 Protection incidents were reported in the regions of Gao, Kidal, Menaka, Mopti and Timbuktu.


USD 49.2 million requested for the operation

Funded 5%

Gap 95%


  • 850 Malian IDP returnee households targeted to receive adequate and durable shelter

  • 6,000 Malian refugee returnees targeted to receive a one-time cash-based assistance

  • 2,500 Mauritanian refugees and local community members targeted to receive improved access to potable water

  • 1,000 refugee children targeted to receive educational support


  • UNHCR, through its partners Luxembourg Red Cross in Timbuktu and Stop Sahel in Gao and Mopti, have completed the construction of 303 mud shelters and 322 traditional shelters for IDPs, returned refugees, IDP returnees and vulnerable host community members. This represents 67.3 percent of mud shelters and 80.5 percent of traditional shelters previewed to be completed by the end of the year. This shelter assistance aims to restore personal security, dignity and self-sufficiency for displaced households.

  • In August, UNHCR’s partner Association Malienne pour la Survie du Sahel (AMSS) identified 106 protection incidents among displaced and host community members in the regions of Gao, Kidal, Menaka, Mopti and Timbuktu. Incidents relate to extortion, death threats, sexual violence, theft and robbery, among other issues.

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