Conflict continues to drive South Sudanese to neighbouring Uganda in search of refuge.
Disruptions to markets, rapid inflation and devaluation of the local currency are worsening food insecurity in Northern Bahr el Ghazal.
Cholera, malaria and kalaazar continue to be major causes of death in the country.
Survival kits have been distributed in hard-to-reach areas of central Unity.
Equatorias: fighting triggers further displacement
Fighting and insecurity in Eastern, Central and Western Equatoria have continued to cause thousands to flee their homes, including to neighbouring Uganda.
Since fighting in South Sudan’s capital Juba in July, nearly 103,500 people have fled to Uganda, where more refugees arrived in August (49,427) than during the first six months of 2016 (33,838). In one week alone - 27 August to 2 September - nearly 13,900 people fled to Uganda. Of these, more than four times as many crossed via the Oraba border point, compared to Elegu, indicating that most new arrivals in Uganda are fleeing from Central Equatoria.
New arrivals to Uganda from Central Equatoria report having been harassed by armed actors and increasing violence across the area. Refugees arriving into Adjumani report that the situation in Eastern Equatoria is deteriorating, particularly in Magwi, Pajok and Pageri. Refugees from Magwi report widespread lootings and killing of civilians by armed men. Activities by armed actors are reportedly increasing, including looting, kidnapping, and sexual violence. In Torit, a recent assessment by humanitarian partners found that the eruption of violence in July 2016 has heightened food insecurity and been accompanied by serious protection concerns, including checkpoints, road ambushes, looting and theft of properties, occupation of schools by armed actors, and intimidation, violence and harassment.
In addition to those fleeing to Uganda, humanitarian partners estimate that tens of thousands of people remain internally displaced in the Equatorias, including in and around Mundri, cYambio and Maridi in Western Equatoria and around key flashpoints in Central Equatoria, including Lainya, Wonduruba, Lobonok and Yei.