This Operations Update n° 1 is to report on the progress of the operation since the revision of the Emergency Appeal on 5 July 2016. The reporting period is from 5 July to 10 August 2016.
With this operation update, minor changes are reflected in the budget since new activities such as psychosocial intervention activities, trainings on anti-trafficking, procurement of PSS kits and translation of PSS training manuals have been included. Additional food items have been added (canned food) in the budget due to the increase of migrant arrivals in the country during the past weeks. The National Society plans to provide food to the migrants in the processing centres. For capacity building of the National Society, funds have been allocated to partially cover the procurement costs of a truck.
Thus, the budget of 2,775,648 Swiss francs has increased to 2,855,283 Swiss francs with a timeframe up to 31 December 2016 to reach 196,000 people. The Appeal’s coverage stands at 100 per cent.
The Red Cross of Serbia (RCS), in addition to assisting those people that are stranded in the country, continues to assist people on the move, although now in much smaller numbers - around 200 to 300 persons per day. The RCS will keep focusing its support on the provision of basic food and non-food items; hygiene promotion activities; Restoring Family Links (RFL) services; prepositioning of contingency stocks; preparedness to deliver health care and first aid, and the building-up the response capacity of the National Society. In addition, the RCS is launching the implementation of programs to prevent human trafficking and the development of a more comprehensive psychosocial support service to the beneficiaries and the Red Cross staff and volunteers.
On behalf of the Red Cross of Serbia, the IFRC would like to thank the British Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross Society, Finnish Red Cross, Irish Red Cross Society, Japanese Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross, European Commission – DG ECHO, including the Governments of Britain, Canada, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway and corporate and private donors for their contributions to this Emergency Appeal.
The Appeal is fully covered and the National Society is not seeking additional funds at this stage