2,687 IDPs have relocated from the UNMISS base in Tongping to UN House since movements began on 28 July. A replacement relocation was completed on 13 September, after no movements took place on 12 September. There were 316 individuals relocated over the period compared to 535 the previous week due to protests at the site on the 13 September linked with a change in the camp chairmanship. An estimated 1,289 registered individuals remain in Tongping (13 September), though the true population will vary due to exits and new arrivals.
UNMISS Tongping
• A new camp chairman was selected on 11 September and has been
encouraging the population not to relocate and is using intimidation to
prevent IOM teams from delivering relocation messages.
• On 13 September, the chairman delivered a letter to UNMISS to stop the
relocation, and also listed complaints from IDPS, whilst youth protested at
the site temporarily halting movements and threatening UN/NGO staff.
• RRP met with the new camp chairman and his team to understand the
demands, which included registration of new arrivals and relocation to the
former PoC 2 instead of PoC 3. No resolution has been agreed.
• RRP met separately with the police commissioner and the Formed Police
Unit and agreed to enhance security at the transit site and at the
registration desk for the next relocation.
• RRP request that all partners inform Camp Management and RRP of staff
activities at the site so that UNMISS can account for all staff should any
disturbances arise.
• IOM delivered an average of 17 litres of safe drinking water per person per
• There is one bathing shelter for every 72 people and 4 functioning water
• Hygiene promotion covered 614 household visits (3,267 individuals).
• Ongoing outreach to people with specific needs (PSN). Of the 133
identified PSN, 69 have left the transit site, with the majority relocating to
UN House.
• An intentions survey of the population has been completed. Findings
indicate that the majority of people want to relocate to UN House though
many participants were new arrivals not registered at the headcount.
• There are rising tensions at the Western gate related to searching women
for security. Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) will maintain a presence and meet
with UNDSS to address the issue.
• 2 GBV cases and 14 child protection cases were reported and are being
followed up on, including separated and unaccompanied minors, family
issues and child protection issues.
• Continued reduction in consultations to approximately 40 per day as the
site population continues to decline (compared to 50 or 60 the period
• No cholera reports in the past 5 weeks.
• Reception of IDPs relocating from Tongping continues,
currently 39,380 IDPs reside at PoC 1 and PoC 3, UN
House (13 September)
• To address protection concerns particularly around
women accessing latrines at night, 21 solar lights have
been installed in PoC 3.
• Biometric registration is scheduled to begin in PoC 1 on
20 September.
• Shelter partners continue to construct shelters for new
• Shelter and Camp Management are working to confirm
UNMISS Engineering support for backfilling drainage
ditches to facilitate shelter construction on internal
roads within the blocks.
• 307 individuals in PoC 1 remain in transit shelter, and
will be relocated to individual shelters by Camp
• THESO, UNICEF and Oxfam are installing contingency
water tanks in PoC 1 and PoC 3, to increase water
storage capacity in the event of future crises.
• Cholera transmission has considerably slowed, but
low-level incidence continues with 1 case over the
period, compared to 2 cases the previous week.