Key Updates
Angola epidemiological update (as of 15 September):
o There have been four new laboratory positive cases this week, two of which have been discarded as having recent vaccination history. The other two are currently under investigation.
o Phase II of the vaccination campaign has been prepared and will begin shortly in 12 districts in nine provinces.
Democratic Republic of The Congo (DRC) epidemiological update (as of 14 September):
o The second case reported from Budjala Health Zone in Sud Ubangui province (reported in the situation report of 9 September) has been confirmed for yellow fever. Based on the investigation this has been classified as a sylvatic case not related to the outbreak. The first notified case reported in Sud Ubangi province in Bominenge Health Zone (reported in the situation report of 26 August) remains under investigation.
o The pre-emptive vaccination campaign in DRC has concluded. The results indicate that the overall administrative immunization is 102.7% in the six provinces. The response vaccination campaign in Feshi and Mushenge Health Zones in Kwango province will begin next week.