In 2016, WFP Sudan plans to assist 4.6 million affected people, of which 3.9 million reside in Darfur. Thus far, WFP has reached 2.7 million people (58 percent) of the people in need - distributing 125,700 mt of food across Sudan.
In August, WFP Sudan assisted 1.9 million people with general food assistance and 85,600 children under five and pregnant and nursing women with nutrition assistance.
The Government of Sudan launched a nutrition investment case, in collaboration with WFP and UNICEF, to protect and promote healthy children and maternal nutrition, and prevent acute, chronic and micronutrient malnutrition.
Operational Updates
Since fighting erupted in South Sudan in December 2013, 240,975 South Sudanese refugees have entered Sudan, according to UNHCR. In 2016, WFP has reached 176,840 South Sudanese refugees in Sudan with 20,700 mt of emergency food and nutrition assistance. Since the opening of the Sudan-South Sudan humanitarian corridor in July 2014, WFP Sudan has successfully transported 50,660 mt of food commodities to South Sudan thus far, of which 24,800 mt were delivered in 2016.
On 10 August 2016, the Government of Sudan, with the support of WFP and UNICEF, launched a joint investment case for nutrition to scale up high impact, cost-effective nutrition interventions to reduce the malnutrition burden on Sudanese children, adolescents and women. With an integrated multi-sectoral approach, the project will roll-out a five year package focusing on reducing child mortality, stunting and wasting, and improving maternal nutrition.
WFP Sudan’s El Niño response is ongoing across Darfur, Red Sea, Kassala and West Kordofan states.
Thus far, WFP has provided 8,820 mt of mixed commodities through a combination of extended lean season food assistance and asset-creating activities for 387,900 people.