Key Updates
Angola epidemiological update (as of 15 September):
o The last confirmed case had symptom onset on 23 June.
o Three of the four laboratory positive cases reported in the previous situation report have been discarded as having recent vaccination history. The remaining case reported in Tchindjenje district in Huambo province is under investigation.
o Phase II of the vaccination campaign has been prepared and will begin shortly in 12 districts in nine provinces.
Democratic Republic of The Congo (DRC) epidemiological update (as of 18 September):
o The last confirmed non-sylvatic case had symptom onset on 12 July.
o Nine new cases are under investigation, eight in Kinshasa province and one in Lingomono Health Zone in Tshuapa province. A total of 12 cases are under investigation including the first notified case reported in Sud Ubangi province in Bominenge Health Zone (reported in the situation report of 26 August).
o The reactive vaccination campaign in Feshi and Mushenge Health Zones in Kwango province will begin soon.
Republic of Congo is planning a pre-emptive vaccination campaign.