Sectors of assistance
CCCM 79,247 Approximate numbers of IDPs
15.5 Litres per person per day (UNMISS Site) 25 Repaired in Wau Municipality, 229 Individuals per tap
504 Vulnerable IDPs relocated over the last 7 days
4,009 Consultations provided at the three sites in the last 7 days
• A four-day general food distribution (GFD) exercise took place at the Wau PoC during the week.
• To support candidates who are collecting signatures from the community to stand for upcoming elections, community awareness activities are ongoing throughout the POC; voting will begin next week.
• Population head count took place at all 6 sites in Wau during the week. While population figures remained more or less unchanged over the past month, there was a significant increase in the population at the Nazereth collective site which increased by 53% (see map attached).
• Since 14 September enumerators have been conducting movement trend tracking at three major feeder roads. As violence in Wau town increased between 21 and 24 September, the number of people citing insecurity as there reason for leaving increased at all 3 checkpoints.
• IOM continues to provide safe water to IDPs, providing an average of 438,570 litres of water each day. IOM continues to provide daily water quality monitoring of all water points as well as daily monitoring of the PoC water source (shallow well).
• During the week six boreholes were rehabilitated in Wau Municipality, with five hygiene promotion sessions held in the surrounding area. A total of 31 boreholes have been repaired in Wau South. Additional boreholes have been identified for repair in Wau North, with technical assessments to take place during the week.
• The top morbidity at the three clinics was malaria (2,486 consultations) followed by Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (632 consultations).
• Routine vaccination continued during the week with 216 children receiving vaccinations.
• 29 pregnant, and 106 non-pregnant women received the tetanus toxoid vaccine during the week, an increase from the previous week.
• 5,734 individuals were provided with health promotion messages at the three clinics, including the importance of vaccinations for children and women of reproductive age, family planning and malaria prevention.
• 5,022 individuals were reached with psychosocial support (PSS) messages at the three sites, and through 687 household visits.
Training of 24 PSS mobile support team members was completed during the week, from this 10 support groups will be formed to work at the three sites - PoC, SSRC and Cathedral.
• Site decongestion activities are ongoing with 504 vulnerable IDPs relocated to 8 newly constructed communal shelters.
• 95 households at Lokoloko collective centre received solar lamp distributions.