The water situation is worsening in Swaziland; water rationing has been reintroduced.
In August, as part of the drought emergency response, WFP assisted 99,000 highly food-insecure people (reaching 99% of the planned target for the month). WFP provided life-saving support with 1,329mt of cereal, pulses and oil.
WFP is facing considerable funding shortfalls under both Development Projects. These projects provide assistance to the most vulnerable people in the country: people living with HIV/TB and orphans and vulnerable children. These groups are particularly exposed to the negative effects of the El Niño-related drought.
Operational Updates
Drought and Food Security: Swaziland is one of the countries in the region hardest hit by two years of successive drought, most recently as a result of the El Niño phenomenon. This has contributed to increasing food insecurity affecting over 30 percent of the Swazi population. Food stocks are being depleted and water shortages are emerging. In response to the situation, the Government of Swaziland declared a state of emergency in February 2016 and published the National Emergency Response Mitigation and Adaptation Plan.
In August, WFP assisted 99,000 drought affected people through emergency food distributions. In addition, the Government of Swaziland provided assistance to 151,719 drought-affected people.
Between 29 and 31 August, during the 36th SADC Summit held in Swaziland, UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy on El Niño and Climate, Mary Robinson, visited the country. The SE visit supported efforts to engage and mobilize a broad range of domestic and international stakeholders on the devastating effects of El Niño. During her stay, she interacted with El Niño-affected communities and visited a WFP assisted community in Mdumezulu.
HIV and Nutrition: WFP is discussing with the Ministry of Health to advocate for government and donor contributions to the nutrition assessment, counselling and support programme for people living with HIV and TB. A comprehensive health and nutrition assessment reveals an increase in patients defaulting from antiretroviral therapy (12 percent) and treatment for TB (29 percent) from 2014 to 2015, and less adherence to HIV and TB treatment.
Social protection for Orphans and Vulnerable Children: In light of the continued needs related to drought conditions, WFP is looking for funding to continue assistance. Moving forward, WFP will shift its engagement from providing food assistance through NCPs to supporting the Government of Swaziland to strengthen social protection systems.