This revised Emergency Appeal seeks some CHF 2,946,922 (reduced from CHF 4m) to enable the Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) to deliver assistance to some 46,700 people for a total of 12 months (timeframe extended to December 2015) This revision is based on the operational implementation to date, recent assessments, and a reprioritization of planned activities. While the initially planned assistance is phased out or brought to completion, this revision focuses on recovery interventions with the planting of food crops and trees, shelter construction support (both temporary or mid-term/permanent), and livelihoods support in Chikwawa, Nsanje, Blantyre urban, Phalombe and the Zomba district camps. With a total of CHF 2,348,174 of multilateral contributions received to date, the funding request for this Appeal amounts to CHF 598,748.
Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies
Country: Malawi