The general security situation in Gambella Region has been calm, with no incidents reported during the week, with exception of the fire exchange between the federal police and alleged armed men from South Sudan which was reported in Pagak entry point. This resulted in a temporary restriction of movements across the border. The incident was later peacefully resolved by regional authorities.
South Sudanese refugees continue to arrive in Ethiopia at a daily average rate of 110 people. They crossed through Pagak, Akobo, Burbiey and Raad entry points. The refugees originated from Upper Nile and Jonglei states (Ulang, Nasir and Dome counties) and told UNHCR staff that they were fleeing generalized violence and food insecurity in South Sudan.
The total number of new arrivals from South Sudan in Gambella since 15 December 2013 is now 271,707 individuals, including 214, 348 in Gambella about 66% of the population is children and 69% of the adult populations are female, and a total of 3678 in the Benishangul-Gumuz region, near Assosa. This brings the cumulative number of South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia to 281,514, including 63,419 that were in the country before December 2013.
The much awaited registration of new arrivals commenced in Akobo on 15 July, with UNHCR and ARRA registering a total of 2,352 individuals consisting of 682 families. 351 Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASCs) were identified and registered. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) relocated all the registered 2,352 refugees from Akobo to Matar Way station. Similarly, registration in Burbiey entry point is targeting 2729 refugees consisting of 653 families of which 251 are Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASCs). Out of the registered refugees, 2,022 were relocated to Matar Way station.
On 15 July, UNHCR sub-office Gambella hosted the Swedish Prime Minister who was accompanied by the Minister for International Development Cooperation, the Minister for State, the Swedish Ambassador in Ethiopia and other members of the Swedish government. The mission was met at the airport by the host government officials, ARRA and UNHCR. The mission visited Tierkidi refugee camp and Pagak entry point. On 16 July the Austrian Ambassador to Ethiopia, accompanied by another Ambassador and two Austrian directors including the Director for Austrian Development Cooperation visited Gambella. The mission was met at the airport by host government officials,ARRA and UNHCR. The mission visited Jewi refugee camp. Both missions were impressed with the humanitarian response and pledged to continue to support the refugee emergency response. The Austrian delegation and director Robertz Zriner indicated that there was a fact finding mission which could result in additional funding to the operation.
The Child Protection Information Sharing Protocol (ISP) was finalized and its final version 4 was shared with Child Protection partners in Gambella. This protocol will help in boosting the data harmonization efforts between Child Protection Information Management System (CPIMS) and UNHCR proGres database. Furthermore, this will also ensure that child protection information is shared in a more confidential and protected manner among relevant actors. It will also help in attaining uniformity in the practices of information sharing related to refugee children among the involved agencies.