This weekly Situation Report reflects the preparedness measures currently ongoing to guard against importation of AWD/Cholera outbreak from the Republic of South Sudan. The initial cases reported in South Sudan were traced back to 18 May 2015 and the first cholera case was confirmed on 1 June 2015. Issuance of this Sit Rep is based on WR and Undersecretary/FMoH recommendations in order to keep all stakeholders on the loop in a proactive manner.
As of 26 July 2015, no cases of cholera or outbreaks of diarrheal diseases are reported in Sudan.
Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) Task Force act ivated on 9 July with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), World Health Organization, and UNICEF. The Task Force is regularly meeting once every week for situation analysis, follow up, and important updates and task force recommendations will be disseminated through health sector meetings and bulletins.
FMoH has updated the national AWD/cholera contingency plan in coordination with the WHO and other health partners. The update plan started targeting initially seven priority states:
Khartoum, White Nile, Blue Nile, South Kordofan, West Kordofan, East and , Central Darfur, with South Darfur, Gedaraf, Kassala, Sinnar, Gezira, Northern States and River Nile added later to the priority list.FMOH has recommended giving prophylactic doses of doxycycline (or erythromycin) to all arrivals from Juba through Joda entry point since 21 July.
Federal Ministry of Finance supported FMoH with more than SDG1,000,000 (USD 186,000) as part of phase one to implement AWD/ Cholera contingency plan in the priority states.
Activities of the Joint FMoH/ WHO public health technical assessment and support missions started on 21 July 2015 targeting the priority states. The assessment was already conducted in South and East Darfur, and South and West Kordofan, and is ongoing in North Kordofan, Gedaref, Kassella, Sinnar, Central Darfur, Gezira, Blue Nile, Northern State and River Nile. The missions are planned to continue till the 7th of August, conduct training on AWD surveillance, case management, and infection control for the health staff, along with meetings with senior officials in these areas.