The Benin Country Strategy (2014-2018) was elaborated in close collaboration with national counterparts, and highlights WFP’s overall objective to support the Government to achieve the Zero Hunger Challenge. WFP will contribute to this objective through the promotion of three pillars: (i) Strengthen food security through livelihood assets promotion; (ii) Support human capital development and (iii) Reinforce national capacity for sustainable emergency preparedness and response. The Country Strategy has recently been translated into a Programme for 2015-2018 focusing on three components: (1) multi-sectoral approach of school feeding, (2) nutritional support and (3) resilience. The last two components will be implemented in the convergence zones of the Benin United Nations Development Action Framework (UNDAF). WFP is currently implementing a single development project of school feeding. WFP has been present in Benin since 1964.