In the week to 2 August 2015, there was one confirmed Ebola case, down from three cases the previous week. The case was reported from a quarantined home in Massesgbeh village, Kholifa Rowala chiefdom in Tonkolili, a district with 11 chiefdoms.
44 community leaders and 34 religious leaders are supporting community engagement activities in Tonkolili. In addition, eight Integrated Rapid Response teams, including a social mobilizer and an Ebola survivor, have been deployed to Massesgbeh village to ensure an integrated response and to gain the trust of quarantined families.
Over 1,784 people were engaged through community meetings and inter-personal communication in Tonkolili district. Five local community radio stations have also been engaged to provide a platform for different Ebola response pillars to engage local communities through interactive radio programming.
In Kambia, community-based social mobilizers from Restless Development and other partners supported by UNICEF engaged 12,897 people from 499 communities (1,135 households) in hotspots and border communities through community meetings and interpersonal communication. 811 community leaders were also engaged.
UNICEF, in collaboration with the Ministry of Water Resources and District Ebola Response Centre, supported the delivery of 75,000 litres of water to quarantined households in Massesgbeh village, Tonkolili district. Six water tanks, with a 21,400 litre storage capacity, were installed in the village, benefitting approx. 634 people in the 50 quarantined households.
Last week, UNICEF distributed play and recreational materials (toys, note books, pencils and chargeable lights) to 267 quarantined children in Massesgbeh village, Tonkolili district.
UNICEF supported the re-opening of Magboraka Observational Interim Care Centre and provided supplies, including a generator and Family Tracing and Reunification kits, to ensure that the facility is fully operational.
In Porto Loko district, 18 quarantined households with 108 people were provided with hygiene kits and replenishment supplies of 1,200 bars of laundry and bathing soap. There was no demand for hygiene kits in Kambia district as there were no new quarantined households.