Source: World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster
Country: Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone
Monthly Overview - July 2015
Due to its expertise in logistics, engineering and telecommunications, WFP has been requested to provide dedicated Common Services to the Ebola Response. All activities are being implemented under Special Operation 200773
Common Services in Numbers (as of 02 August 2015)
Overall requirements: US$ 205 million
- UNHAS:22,290passengers &170mt of lightcargo transportedwithin the affected areas
- UNHRD:2,244mtof relief itemsdispatchedfrom UNHRDdepots to Ebola Affected Countries (EACs)
- ET Cluster:providedinternet connectivity to over 3,300humanitarian responders
The Logistics Clusterfacilitated across Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia (since 4 September 2014)**:
- The transportation of over 107,600 m3 of cargo on behalf of 103 organisations
- The storage of over 157,700m3of cargo on behalf of over 77organisations