In Mberra camp, UNHCR continues to sustain humanitarian assistance, while strengthening refugees’ self-reliance through support to primary education and literacy classes, income-generation activities and access to gardening areas, livestock and energy.
Between 20 and 24 July, all refugees in Mberra camp were provided with food (rice, pulses and oil) during the July general food distribution organized by UNHCR through its partner, the Commissariat à la sécurité alimentaire, in cooperation with WFP.
In July 2015, UNHCR and the local micro-finance institution Mutuelle Féminine de Solidarité d'Entraide d'Epargne et de Crédit (MFSEEC) renewed their partnership in order to extend self-reliance opportunities for urban refugees in Nouakchott, through access to micro-credit.
UNHCR, UNICEF, Ensemble pour la solidarité et le développement, INTERSOS and the Mauritanian and Malian Ministries of Education enabled 111 candidates from Mberra Camp to take part in the 2015 Malian Baccalaureate session. Some 60% of the candidates passed the Baccalaureate exam.