Conflict in South Sudan continues to prompt the arrival of new refugees to Sudan, raising the total number of refugees from South Sudan since mid-December 2013 to more than 189,700 people as of August 17. Approximately 110,000 of the new arrivals had received humanitarian assistance as of early August.
Approximately 4 million people in Sudan were experiencing Stressed and Crisis—IPC 2 and 3, respectively—levels of food insecurity as of July, according to the USAID-supported Famine Early Warning Systems Network July-to-December Food Security Outlook.4
USAID/FFP partner the UN World Food Program (WFP) launched a new relief and recovery program in July. In the coming two years, WFP is targeting 5.2 million people in Sudan with food and cash assistance; the program will focus on providing immediate relief as well as facilitating early recovery and resilience to future shocks.